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Belgian families invited for Eid

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In October, the Muslim community celebrated Eid, which was the occasion for Beltud to reinforce the social bonds between different communities in Belgium.

In the framework of the "Art of Living Together" project, Beltud organises, in partnership with Vormingplus Limbourg and the Provincial Centre for Integration, an exchange program during religious celebrations. Belgian families have thus been invited by their Muslim neighbours on the Eid day, to share a rich table and enjoy interesting conversations on different cultures and traditions.

In Beringen, the students Silke and Kimberley and the employee Koen have been invited by a Turkish family. They tasted a Turkish meal for the first time as well as Turkish tea. That evening was for them the best occasion to learn more about the Muslim culture. Koen thanked Beltud and Vormingplus for the organisation of the event: "I have many contacts with Turkish people but it is only today that I can truly say I know them well."

In Genk, a Belgian family was invited by the Ozturk family. In Hasselt, the Aydin family opened their doors to Lode and Mia. The project was a succes: 60 people participated and this number only increases year by year.

Soon, the same program will be organised for Eastern, like last year. This time, the oppisite activity happens: Belgian families invite Turkish family for a discovery of the Easter celebrations. Through these activities, Beltud promotes mutual comprehension and respect, buils bridges between different communities of Belgium and creates a platform of intercultural dialogue.
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