[Woman in the spotlight] In the context of World Cancer Day, Fedactio had the opportunity to speak with Sophie Lucas, researcher and professor in cancer immunology, about her daily life as a woman of science.
Interview by Alexandre Thiry
Interview by Alexandre Thiry
Could you tell us more about your background
and motivations as a researcher?
My name is
Sophie Lucas and I am a researcher in cancer immunology at the Duve Institute,
which is a biomedical research institute hosting several laboratories of the
faculty of medicine of UCL (Université Catholique de Louvain), where I am also
professor. I studied medicine and then decided to devote myself to research.
What motivates me is working in the biomedical branch to understand how
organisms work, and especially the human being’s, but also how they dysfunction
in the presence of very specific diseases such as cancer. As a team, we try to
understand how the immune system can detect tumour cells and reject them in
patients with cancer. Above all, we try to determine how to manipulate it to be
able to correct these dysfunctions and develop new forms of cancer therapy.
What is immunology?
is a branch of biology that covers the study of immune system’s responses, the
way our body defends itself against external aggressions, mainly of the
microbial infection type (by viruses, parasites, bacteria…) but also against
other forms of aggression which can come from within such as the development of
cancer. We now know that our immune system is able to recognize tumour cells
and reject them. This is the specific field of tumour immunology.
What does an immunologist’s daily life look
The daily
life of an immunologist is very similar to that of any biomedical researcher,
which means laboratory work and team meetings.
My job consists in managing a team of around ten people working in the
laboratory on a joint research project. This team includes doctoral and
post-doctoral students, as well as laboratory technicians. We handle reagents
of different types, either cells that are grown in vitro or molecules whose
modifications are examined following certain treatments, but also animal
experiments. The closer we get to a potential clinical application, the more
necessary it becomes to conduct animal experiments to test new forms of
treatment that could eventually be applied to humans. My daily routine is to
interact with all those people who are conducting cellular, molecular, or in
vivo experiments, and to discuss with them the interpretation of the results,
the direction of the project, hoping that from time to time an original idea
will emerge and eventually lead to the development of a new drug.
As a woman, have you ever experienced any
difficulties in your work?
difficulties, specifically related to my gender, honestly not really, but I
have experienced organizational difficulties. It is always difficult for a
woman to find her place in a work environment, knowing that a lot of time and
importance is given to her family life, to carry children when she wants them.
All this has an impact on our working life. That said, I personally found
answers to these questions, quickly realizing that my work was a very important
thing and that I wanted to devote a lot of energy and passion to it. All this
required some accommodation. In my case, I had the chance to have children with
a person who left a lot of space for this passion. So, I would say that as a
woman, and as a scientist, I have had more support than real disabilities in my
We often hear that science is mainly a male environment, is it true?
What do you think would be the cause of this imbalance?
Yes, it is
true. I cannot even remember the number of meetings I attend, with people in
higher hierarchical positions, where I am the only woman. Still today in 2019,
the percentage of women in decision-making positions in the field of science is
abnormally low. It would be very difficult for me to identify the root causes
and origins of this disproportion, because I am not a sociologist, but I am
somehow obliged to acknowledge the facts. Maybe women still have a bit of
trouble giving their work the place it needs when they progress in their
functions, in their careers? It is even more surprising since in the field of
biomedical, pharmaceutical or medical sciences, there is a majority of young
women students or doctoral candidates. In my laboratory too, women are in the
majority. Beyond that, the proportion of women who persist (postdoctoral
training) gradually decreases. We - women - must be very careful to ensure that
we persist and progress in our careers without considering our gender as a
disability. It must no longer be so today.
Isn't the fact that you have more female
students in your field due to the "female" image that our society attributes
to health care?
When we
have chosen the path of basic research in the biomedical sciences, we are
moving relatively far away from direct patient care. In my career, even though
I am a physician by training, I have never had to interact with patients after
my medical internships. My job is different, it is still a rigorous fundamental
science, explicable at the molecular level. I do not know if it is the
possibility of care, of therapy that justifies having more female students in
biomedical programs. It remains an enigma to me.
What advice would you give to young people who
wish to resume studies in this field?
At 50, when
I look back, I have absolutely no regrets. I tell myself that I had the chance
to have a great activity, so I would encourage these young people to get
started. Now, do I have any specific advice for young women who want to go down
this path? Maybe to think about them when they organize their family life.
Because one day, when children grow up and leave, it is important to have something
that motivates us incredibly. Research careers, in the field of biomedical
sciences, but also in any scientific field as well as in the human sciences,
can take you to the very long term. After the formation of a family, having
raised children, and having brought them to independence, there is still a
lifetime left. When you have the chance to do an exciting job, it is this whole
life after that remains exciting.
What do you think about the place devoted to
research in Belgium?
I think we
have nothing to complain about because we are fortunate to live in a developed
country where a significant proportion of GDP is devoted to basic academic
research. I believe that the funding of basic research must be supported by the
State if we want our societies to progress. If I am lucky enough to work in a
country where research is relatively well funded, I think more support would
benefit everyone.
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