De Federatie van Actieve Verenigingen (FEDACTIO) is officieel van start gegaan met een algemene vergadering die plaatsvond in het Fedactio gebouw in Schaarbeek. De bijeenkomst ving aan met een ontbijt waar de vele vertegenwoordigers van de aangesloten verenigingen de mogelijkheid kregen om elkaar te leren kennen.
The Chairman of the Board of Directors Fedactio İsmail Cingöz, explained the motivations that drove the members to meet under the umbrella of the federation, the president insisted on the minimum legal formalities on NPOs. The other members of the Board of Directors that recently elected also had the opportunity to listen to requests from representatives of associations at the Assembly.
After the questions and answers section, the work of institutional identity of the Federation were presented to representatives and the meeting ended with a photo session.
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