The president of OCBE, Husnu Can, noted that the numbers of young people who are not able to obtain their secondary education certificate or who had to give up their studies for one reason or another, is quite high. It is harder for those young people to find a job later, in a society where unemployment is already a major problem. The aim of this project is to help a maximum number of students to pass their finals exams so that they have higher chances of succeeding in the future. Can stated that it is never too late and that all chances must be valued in order to help make people's lives better.
The inscriptions for those courses are open until the 31st January. The lessons will start on the 3rd February for a period of 6 weeks. The course will take place in Prisma (Brussels), Academie (Antwerp) and Gouden Meridiaan (Gent). After the completion of the course, the student can pass the final secondary education exams. If he/she passes them, he/she can directly start higher education or start to work.
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